Career Training

A lucrative career can start right at community college. Consider the many smart career options that await after completing community college training programs. From horticulture to the music industry, culinary arts to aerospace, we cover the latest hiring practices, job requirements and trends in the job market.

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Healthcare Careers Hub

Healthcare Careers Hub
Discover the opportunities in the healthcare field. Your community college offers the courses and training you need to fill a job in this field that always seems to have openings.
AntonioGuillem/iStock Photos

As you know, healthcare is a huge industry in the United States. Since there have been significant layoffs in other sectors of the economy, whether you've been laid off or are just beginning your career, I suggest you explore healthcare. You and I think of healthcare as the domain of medical professionals such as doctors and nurses. That's only partly true. Healthcare has dozens of positions and roles, one or two of which might suit your requirements.

U.S. health care spending grew 4.1 percent in 2022, reaching $4.5 trillion or $13,493 per person. As a share of the nation's Gross Domestic Product, health spending accounted for 17.3 percent. Source: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

So, to help you explore the field, I've compiled a list of some of the positions in the healthcare field, ranging from supporting roles to paraprofessional and professional roles. Healthcare offers a variety of jobs at several levels. In other words, you can earn a certificate to become a member of the profession. In fact, you don't need a four-year degree for many well-paying positions. Your community college will offer foundation courses and certifications for select positions. Contact it for more information.

We'll start with the positions requiring four or more years of education in the field.

Degreed Professionals:

Physician Assistant (PA)

Physician Assistants (PAs) work alongside physicians to diagnose illnesses, develop treatment plans, and prescribe medication. They provide essential medical care in various specialties, from

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Careers: Sustainable Agriculture

Careers: Sustainable Agriculture
Discover the promising world of sustainable agriculture and explore the diverse careers it offers for those passionate about building a greener future. From eco-friendly farming practices and cutting-edge agri-tech to impactful roles in supply chain management and impact investment, this article sheds light on how professionals in sustainable agriculture are shaping a more sustainable and resilient global food system.

Discover the promising world of sustainable agriculture and explore the diverse careers it offers for those passionate about building a greener future. From eco-friendly farming practices and cutting-edge agri-tech to impactful roles in supply chain management and impact investment, this article sheds light on how professionals in sustainable agriculture are shaping a more sustainable and resilient global food system.

The Rise of Sustainable Agriculture

The global agricultural industry has come under increased scrutiny in recent years due to its significant environmental impacts. Soil degradation, water pollution, and deforestation are some pressing issues that conventional farming practices have exacerbated. As a response to these challenges, sustainable agriculture has emerged as a holistic and eco-friendly approach to farming. By integrating ecological principles and social responsibility, sustainable agriculture seeks to maintain and improve the health of ecosystems while ensuring a reliable and equitable food supply. With growing awareness and demand for environmentally conscious products, sustainable agriculture is gaining momentum worldwide, attracting attention from governments, organizations, and individuals committed to building a greener future.

Farmers can now reshape the food they bring to life through new ways that bring low carbon footprints and the conservation of natural resources. Sustainable farming ensures an environment fit for a living and the long-term viability of continued farming practices, not to mention improved health and wellbeing for us all. Source: Wander

Sustainable Farming Techniques and Innovations

Various farming techniques and innovations are adopted in sustainable agriculture to minimize environmental

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Microcredentials: Tailoring Learning Journeys in Robotics

Microcredentials: Tailoring Learning Journeys in Robotics
Micro-credentials offer a unique opportunity for adult learners to tailor their learning journeys to their specific needs and career aspirations. In this article we explore micro-credentials in robotics.

Did you know you don't have to have a four-year or two-year degree to qualify for a lucrative job? What you do need is a micro-credential. Micro-credentials offer a unique opportunity for adult learners to tailor their learning journeys to their specific needs and career aspirations. This personalized approach to skill development empowers individuals to acquire targeted knowledge and expertise efficiently.

I know this is true because I took courses decades after graduating from McGill University with a Bachelor of Arts degree and earned several Microsoft and Cisco micro-credentials. Did it require effort? Yes! Was it worth it? Yes!

So, let's dig deeper into how micro-credentials enable learners to create customized paths to success.

What are micro-credentials?

By their very nature, micro-credentials focus on specific skills or knowledge areas. They allow learners to choose from various offerings that align with their career goals and interests. This flexibility enables individuals to target areas where they seek to enhance their expertise, whether in data analysis, project management, or digital marketing.

Research conducted by the Stanford Graduate School of Education emphasizes the importance of learner agency in the educational process. Micro-credentials provide learners with the agency to select courses or programs that resonate with their passions and professional goals. This ensures their learning experiences are highly relevant and motivating, leading to greater engagement and success. Once again, I can attest to that because personal computers were only a gleam in the inventors' eyes when I attended university. If

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Spring 2023: Top 10 Job Fields

Spring 2023: Top 10 Job Fields
The job market is changing at warp speed. Find out which job fields are the most promising for community college graduates.

The job market is changing at warp speed. During the pandemic, technology companies were expanding rapidly. However, in 2023 technology companies are shedding jobs. I have written this review of the job market outlook for community college graduates so that you can learn about job fields that are growing. To do so, I asked the powerful AI platform, ChatGPT questions. Then I set out the answers as an interview. You should use ChatGPT to explore opportunities in fields that interest you. It will save you time.

Rob: List the top ten job fields for community college graduates.


  1. Healthcare: Community college programs in nursing, medical assisting, medical coding, and other healthcare fields can prepare graduates for jobs in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities.
  2. Information technology: Community college programs in computer science, information technology, and other related fields can prepare graduates for jobs in software development, network administration, cybersecurity, and other tech-related roles.
  3. Business: Community college programs in accounting, marketing, and business administration can prepare graduates for jobs in various industries.
  4. Education: Community college programs in early childhood education, teaching, and other related fields can prepare graduates for jobs as teachers or teacher assistants in schools and childcare centers.
  5. Criminal justice: Community college programs in criminal justice and law enforcement can prepare graduates for jobs in law enforcement, corrections, and other criminal justice-related fields.
  6. Culinary arts: Community college programs in culinary arts can prepare graduates for jobs as chefs, restaurant managers, and other food-related roles.
  7. Engineering: Community college programs in engineering technology can prepare
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Careers: Airline Industry

Careers: Airline Industry
The COVID pandemic forced airlines and all their related and ancillary businesses to shed employees. Consequently, as things ramp back up post-COIVD, there are tens of thousands of job opportunities in the sector. Your community college has the resources to prepare you and refresh your skills for new opportunities.

The effects of COVID on the airline industry

The COVID pandemic of 2020-2021 wreaked havoc on the airline industry. Passenger traffic dropped 61% in North America and 60 to 70% worldwide. 2020 was the worst year ever for the airline industry, according to the IATA. Both the travel and the airline industry had to downsize. That meant offering retirement packages to some employees and furloughing others. Many employees were laid off or terminated as the airlines struggled to cope with the sudden downturn in passenger traffic. Approximately 400,000 people lost their jobs due to the loss of business. When an entire industry sheds such a large number of employees, severe downsizing has a ripple effect throughout all the related and ancillary businesses that service the airlines. In 2020 that ripple effect was profound. However, 2021 saw things beginning to get back to normal.

Training for new opportunities

When businesses are hiring, your community college offers the training you need to take advantage of the many opportunities now available in the airline industry. In addition, when most airline industry employees took those retirement packages, they would not be returning to work for the companies that laid them off. That, in turn, creates openings for people like you who want to be part of an industry with many working parts.

Why work at an airport?

Read Six Reasons the Airport is the Best Place to Work to get an idea of what it's

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Career Training

Are you concerned about the environment? Do you want to help stem global warming and rainforest decimation? If so, a green career may be for you. Community colleges around the country are offering programs in sustainable energy, from solar panels to wind turbines. From biodiesel to energy storage, explore your green career options here.
Recession-proof and rewarding, healthcare careers can be started right from community college. Here you’ll identify the hottest trends in health care degrees, earn how to become an emergency technician and read why community college is a great place to start your addiction counseling degree.
Great teaching careers are started at community colleges. Keep up to date on the latest hiring standards, education requirements, and continuing education for teacher initiatives. Learn what role community colleges play in furthering the skills of future and current teachers and what degrees are the most lucrative.
With renowned culinary programs, community colleges are a delicious place to begin your culinary arts career. From brewing beer to cake decorating, community colleges offer a wide variety of culinary degrees. Learn how to earn a college degree while drinking wine, identify 5-star culinary programs, and turn that baking hobby into a lucrative career.
Jump start a career in business right at your community college. Explore the various business degree programs available, from marketing to human resources, these articles will provide you with valuable information on business career opportunities for community college graduates. Many famous entrepreneurs started their careers at community college, add your name to the list.
Community colleges offer a myriad of degree programs for students interested in creative careers. From glass blowing to fashion design, community college degrees are opening doors into many creative industries. Learn how you can prepare for a career in radio broadcasting, cosmetology or music at community college.
Indeed, technology careers, ranging from cyber-security to nano-technology, can all start from community college training. Get your feet wet with waterbotics, crack into cyber-security or dive into marine biology at your local community college.
Begin your career in public service at community college. Receive cutting-edge firefighting training, lean more about air force programs and learn how community colleges are training our armed forces. Regardless of the badge you carry, a honorable public service career can be jump started at community college.
– From welding technology to automobile manufacturing community colleges are training students for lucrative manufacturing careers. Get the scoop on middle skills, labor shortages and the best degrees for manufacturing careers.
There are lots of lucrative careers for community college graduates. Here we’ll cover the top career choices for two-year degree holders, six-figure jobs you can land with an associate’s degree, and how community college can take your career to the next level.
Small farms are an important part of creating a sustainable food supply. Your community college has the skilled teachers who can teach you 21st-century farming techniques.
Careers in the hospitality industry: catering, restaurant, wedding planning, tourism, hospitality & event management