Spring 2023: Top 10 Job Fields

The job market is changing at warp speed. Find out which job fields are the most promising for community college graduates.

The job market is changing at warp speed. During the pandemic, technology companies were expanding rapidly. However, in 2023 technology companies are shedding jobs. I have written this review of the job market outlook for community college graduates so that you can learn about job fields that are growing. To do so, I asked the powerful AI platform, ChatGPT questions. Then I set out the answers as an interview. You should use ChatGPT to explore opportunities in fields that interest you. It will save you time.

Rob: List the top ten job fields for community college graduates.


As you can see, ChatGPT produces clear, easy-to-read answers uncluttered with ads or non-essential information. As a next step, discover what programs your local community college or colleges offer in the areas that interest you. Remember that credentials for these jobs vary widely. Some jobs will accept a certificate. For example, when I worked for Systemax, I earned certificates from Microsoft and Cisco. Certificates prove that you have a specific level of knowledge in a particular subject area. Certification is also an efficient way to prepare for a new job if you have been in the workforce for many years. For example, I was 53 years old when I earned my Microsoft and Cisco certifications. Instead of spending months studying the subject, I used my on-the-job experience to help prepare for the certification exam.

Rob: What does a medical assistant's job entail?


A medical assistant is a healthcare professional performing administrative and clinical tasks in a medical office or clinic. The job duties of a medical assistant can vary depending on the size and type of the healthcare facility but typically include the following:

Administrative tasks:

  • Answering phone calls and scheduling appointments
  • Greeting patients and preparing them for medical exams
  • Updating and maintaining patient medical records
  • Processing insurance claims and other billing tasks
  • Managing inventory of medical supplies and equipment

Clinical tasks:

  • Recording patient medical histories and vital signs
  • Preparing patients for medical exams and procedures
  • Assisting healthcare providers during medical exams and procedures
  • Collecting and preparing laboratory specimens for testing
  • Administering medications and injections as directed by healthcare providers
  • Performing basic laboratory tests such as urinalysis and blood draws
  • Providing patient education and answering questions about medical procedures and treatments

Medical assistants work under the supervision of licensed healthcare providers such as physicians, nurses, and nurse practitioners. They play a crucial role in supporting the delivery of high-quality patient care and ensuring the smooth operation of medical offices and clinics.

This video offers an overview of a medical assistant's job.

Rob: What is the most sought-after information technology job?


The most sought-after information technology job can vary depending on the current trends in the industry and the specific skills in high demand. However, some of the most in-demand IT jobs currently include the following:

Overall, the field of information technology is constantly evolving, and new jobs and technologies are always emerging. Therefore, IT professionals must stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments to remain competitive in the job market.

This video looks at the AI/machine learning engineer job.

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a rapidly developing field. It will transform the way we do millions of tasks. It will increase productivity and power faster results. So, I recommend that you explore opportunities in the AI field.

Questions? Contact me on Facebook. @communitycollegereview