Community College News

Stay abreast of all the news and reports impacting community colleges. This section covers the latest news stories, from campus protests to Wal-Mart partnerships. Read community college reactions to the latest State of the Union address, identify schools receiving big donations, and analyze the latest laws impacting community colleges and their students.

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The Top 15 Community Colleges for Digital Technology

The Top 15 Community Colleges for Digital Technology
Learn about which community colleges are ranked in the top 15 in the nation for their digital technology programs and infrastructure.

Which community colleges in America have the best digital technology programs? To answer this burning question, the Republic’s Center for Digital Education and Converge magazine have collaborated to review and announce their fifth annual list of the top ten schools in the country.

As the Center for Digital Education reports, schools earning the survey’s top ranks “Aae the leading community colleges across the U.S. that offer exceptional technology support to students and educators.” The community colleges were evaluated based on each school’s digital technology resources, applications, and support services.

Why Digital Technology is Critical for Modern Learning

With so many comprehensive rankings of colleges in America, why is there one specifically dedicated to digital technology? Many advocates argue that digital technology is now intimately tied to a student’s learning process and experiences. Therefore, a campus with an excellent digital technology infrastructure is better equipped to train students for today’s high-tech jobs.

In this video, Paul Hamilton presents 'Technology in Education', a creative and artistic look at the challenges ed-tech faces.

The Future of Networking Technologies for Learning reports that the use of technology in schools has allowed students to access better collaborative resources, which enhances the entire education experience. For example, in exploring the influence of simply the Internet among educators, “When students, teachers, parents, administrators, and even legislators can communicate via the Internet and begin to collaborate electronically on

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Eco-Friendly Innovations: Green California Community College Summit

Eco-Friendly Innovations: Green California Community College Summit
The Green California Community College Summit offered the latest developments in eco-friendly technology, jobs, and trends.

Held in Pasadena, the Green California Community College Summit exhibited some of the latest and greatest “go-green” technologies. According to Greener Design, “California’s community colleges are home to some of nation’s most ambitious green building, renewable energy and green curriculum initiatives.”

As one of the most admired states for its innovative eco-efforts, California is receiving incredible praise for their advancements, research, and incorporation of greener designs and utilities.

In this video, Alan Glass, who directs sustainability programs for the Pittsburg Unified School District, speaks about the importance and value of the Expo at the Green California Schools and Community Colleges Summit.

What is the Green California Community College Summit?

As Green-Technology describes, the Green California Community College Summit (GCCCS) was designed to respond to key trends and issues arising in our global environment. In an attempt to collaboratively address major issues, creators of the GCCCS created a forum to thoroughly analyze and respond to core issues such as:

  • Exploring how to save money by operating a green campus
  • Developing a greener curriculum
  • Implementing green opportunities for teaching and apprenticeships
  • Creating campuses as models for sustainable energy and conservation practices for the entire community
  • Providing students with opportunities and exposure to green employment options

Focusing on all aspects of the “go-green” market, GCCCS provided attendants with information on green building, energy efficiency, green facilities and operations, and other eco-friendly topics.


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Why Congress Has Eliminated Community College Support for Convicted Criminals

Why Congress Has Eliminated Community College Support for Convicted Criminals
Learn about how some convicted criminals abused community colleges' financial aid programs and why Congress has decided to prohibit criminals from being eligible for future aid.

While many community colleges have educational incentives to provide reform for convicted criminals, some political leaders are taking an opposing stance. According to recent reports from the San Francisco Chronicle, “Some of the nation's worst sex offenders will no longer be eligible to receive generous educational financial aid packages while they are confined in treatment centers under a bill approved by Congress.”

As political leaders and college presidents strive to balance their budgets amidst a struggling economy, one of the first programs to be eliminated is the financial aid and grants that were available for individuals guilty of serious crimes.

This TEDTalk looks at the issue of prisoner education.

Fighting for Reform

In exploring the recent amendments denying convicted criminals of free tuition and grants, one must first understand how these free college opportunities were even initially created. In truth, allowing convicted criminals to gain access to free publically funded courses was a mere oversight in a much larger educational overhaul. As The Hoya, Georgetown University’s central newspaper, explains, the House of Representatives passed a bill to reauthorize the Higher Education Act in 2008. This act was reinstated in order to provide individuals with enhanced financial aid benefits, and the act allowed individuals to access aid with fewer obstacles and hassles. As a result of this bill, students were able to apply for and receive federally funded student aid Pell Grants throughout the entire year.

Unfortunately, while most students found the

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North Carolina Community Colleges: Pioneering Increased Enrollment and Early Graduation Rates

North Carolina Community Colleges: Pioneering Increased Enrollment and Early Graduation Rates
Learn about how North Carolina's community colleges have created innovative programs that not only increase student enrollment, but give high school students an opportunity to attend courses on campus tuition-free.

Community college presents students with an array of benefits, ranging from dramatic savings in tuition costs to being prepared for recession-proof careers. However, North Carolina has taken its community colleges to the next level, pioneering innovative programs that increase student enrollment and improve graduation rates. Through its 58 different community college campuses, North Carolina has won several accolades for its accomplishments, including helping students graduate early to enter into the job market, as well as allowing high school students to attend college tuition-free.

High School Students in North Carolina's Community Colleges

According to “Diverse Issues in Higher Education,” students in select areas of North Carolina, such as in the city of Sanford, may be eligible to earn free college credits while still in high school.

Created in 2007, eligible students can apply for the “Lee Early College” program (LEC). By engaging in LEC, high school students attend courses at the nearby Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) campus. Inspired in part by former Governor Easley’s educational agenda, “It’s part of Gov. Mike Easley’s Learn and Earn Early College High School educational initiative in which students graduate in five years with both a diploma and an associate degree, with all credits transferable if they choose to enroll at a four-year institution as a junior post-graduation.”

This video describes the Lee Early College program.

In the first

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Community Colleges Fight for the Right to Grant Four-Year Degrees

Community Colleges Fight for the Right to Grant Four-Year Degrees
Does your state allow community colleges to grant bachelor's degree? Learn about both sides of the debate and how it impacts community college students.

Students no longer need to attend a four-year university to obtain a bachelor's degree. More community colleges nationwide have "graduated" from issuing associate's to bachelor's degrees. Community college courses cost a mere fraction of public or private university options - which means that students who earn bachelor's degrees at their community college can save tens of thousands of dollars while pursuing their educational goals.

Unfortunately, not everyone in academia supports community colleges issuing bachelor's degrees. Critics are concerned that universities will experience a drop in student enrollment, which will ultimately lead to a loss of revenues. The debate is becoming increasingly heated, with educational leaders and community members divided on allowing community colleges to issue bachelor's degrees.

The Growing Fight for Four-Year Degrees

Community colleges in a dozen states nationwide have already gained the right to issue bachelor's degrees, and more campuses are looking for the same privileges.

For example, as News Day reveals, Michigan is fighting loudly against state restrictions that prevent community colleges from offering 4-year degrees. As Michigan's state representative John Walsh asserts, community colleges could offer improved job training opportunities for the future of Michigan's auto workers if local campuses could issue 4-year degrees. Subsequently, Walsh introduced a new bill that would permit community colleges to offer 4-year degrees in nursing, cement technology, and culinary arts. If the bill is approved, the large number of unemployed workers in the state could have opportunities to

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Land One of the Fastest Growing Jobs with a Community College Degree
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Establishing Good Relationships with Instructors
Learn how to establish good relationships with community college instructors, and how they can be helpful for your academics.
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Avoiding Dropout Factories: 10 Steps to Community College Success
Make sure you don't become part of a community college "dropout factory" by considering these 10 factors when choosing a community college.

Community College News

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