The average community college in Montana has approximately 1,053 students (2024-25).
The community colleges with the largest student enrollments are listed below (where sufficient data available).
The largest community college in Montana is Flathead Valley Community College with 3,149 students.
College Size Range: 50 Students
3,149 Students
Avg. College Size: 1,053 Students
Largest Montana Community Colleges (2024-25)
# Students
Rank: #11.
Students: 3,149
777 Grandview Dr
Kalispell, MT 59901
(406) 756-3822
Kalispell, MT 59901
(406) 756-3822
Rank: #22.
Students: 1,886
2100 16th Ave S
Great Falls, MT 59405
(406) 268-3700
Great Falls, MT 59405
(406) 268-3700
Rank: #33.
Students: 1,771
1115 N Roberts Street
Helena, MT 59601
(406) 447-6900
Helena, MT 59601
(406) 447-6900
Rank: #44.
Students: 1,725
3803 Central Ave
Billings, MT 59102
(406) 247-3000
Billings, MT 59102
(406) 247-3000
Rank: #55.
Miles Community College
Students: 1,088
2715 Dickinson Street
Miles City, MT 59301
(800) 541-9281
Miles City, MT 59301
(800) 541-9281
Rank: #66.
Students: 906
25 Basin Creek Rd
Butte, MT 59701
(406) 496-3711
Butte, MT 59701
(406) 496-3711
Rank: #88.
Students: 574
605 Indian Street
Poplar, MT 59255
(406) 768-6300
Poplar, MT 59255
(406) 768-6300
Rank: #99.
Blackfeet Community College
Private not-for-profit
Students: 297
504 S.E. East Boundary
Browning, MT 59417
(406) 338-5441
Browning, MT 59417
(406) 338-5441
Rank: #1010.
Little Big Horn College
Students: 270
8645 South Weaver Drive
Crow Agency, MT 59022
(406) 638-3104
Crow Agency, MT 59022
(406) 638-3104
Rank: #1111.
Chief Dull Knife College
Students: 135
1 College Drive
Lame Deer, MT 59043
(406) 477-6215
Lame Deer, MT 59043
(406) 477-6215
Rank: #1212.
Pima Medical Institute-Dillon
Private for-profit
Students: 50
434 E. Poindexter Street
Dillon, MT 59725
(406) 988-0888
Dillon, MT 59725
(406) 988-0888
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Montana average community college student size?
The Montana average community college student size is 1,053 for 2024-25.
What are schools with the highest average community college student size in Montana?
The schools with the highest average community college student size in Montana include Flathead Valley Community College, Great Falls College Montana State University and Helena College University of Montana.
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