Enrollment & Admissions

We provide a comprehensive look into some of the most important issues affecting enrollment and admissions. Get the latest news on declining enrollment across the country and the impact it has. Learn more about the latest trends in admissions requirements from vaccinations to placement tests. Find expert advice on what to expect your first year, and lean more about the pitfalls to avoid.

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Should Community Colleges Allow Undocumented Immigrants to Enroll?

Should Community Colleges Allow Undocumented Immigrants to Enroll?
Learn about the controversy surrounding community colleges' admission policies regarding undocumented immigrants.

Community colleges were intended to help all students access higher education, regardless of socioeconomic or geographical constraints. Subsequently, some community colleges have adjusted their admission policies, allowing undocumented immigrants to enroll on campus.

However, these changes have been met with great controversy, especially during a time when community colleges are facing record high enrollment rates. In particular, North Carolina has been battered with an array of protestors who argue that community colleges are already struggling to provide for its massive number of documented, legal students. In light of these enrollment demands, how can community colleges accommodate undocumented students?
In this video, an undocumented student shares how she was still able to pay for college despite not being eligible for federal aid.
As the debate continues to rage on both sides, some experts predict that community colleges across the country will soon feel pressured to permit undocumented immigrants into their classrooms.
Undocumented Students: The Heated Debate
Examining these controversial changes to community college policies in North Carolina, WRAL News reports that all community colleges in the state must accept qualified illegal immigrants if the applicants meet all of the admission guidelines. Prior to this new policy, college officials were required to reject any undocumented students, even if the applicants were over the age of 18 and had earned a high school diploma in the United States.
How did the policy

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Stuck on a Waiting List? How Community College Students Can Combat College Admission Freezes

Stuck on a Waiting List? How Community College Students Can Combat College Admission Freezes
More and more of today's community college students find themselves on waiting lists thanks to budget cuts. Learn about strategies you can take to get yourself off of waiting lists and into class.

Historically, when the economy sputters, community college enrollment rates rise. In facing today’s growing student population, some campuses are struggling under the increased demand. As a result, some community college students have been forced to halt their academic pursuits, finding themselves placed on waiting lists.

Being on a community college’s waiting list can slow down a student’s anticipated graduation date, as well as limit career training. If you find yourself on a waiting list, there are measures you can take to overcome frustrating admission freezes.
What is a College Wait List?

Waitlists, which put students in a “line” of acceptance after a school or program’s maximum capacity has been reached, can delay a student’s pursuit of a certification or degree for multiple semesters.
Some programs may have longer waiting lists than others. For example, as Hudson Valley, Community College in Troy, New York reveals, “The size of the program and departmental projections will determine the number of students on a waitlist. If a student is not accepted from the waitlist, he/she will be notified shortly after the start of the semester.”
Protesting Against Waiting Lists
According to the Union-Tribune, some California community college students have fought against wait list frustrations through organized protests. For example, protesters gathered at California City College, located in San Diego, to fight against the state’s budget

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Do Community College Applicants Need to Take Enrollment Exams?

Do Community College Applicants Need to Take Enrollment Exams?
Learn about whether or not you may need to take an enrollment exam at your local community college, as well as the benefits these exams may provide to your academic career.

Most students hold the perception that community colleges do not require entrance exams. However, more and more students are surprised to learn that they must complete enrollment exams before they attend a community college class.

Although enrollment exams are not necessarily required for all students at every school, many community colleges have implemented enrollment exams to better place each individual student in the most appropriate class setting. If students struggle with their enrollment exams, then administrators can quickly step in to provide foundational support. Conversely, students who perform well on enrollment exams enjoy greater class choice privileges.

What are Enrollment Exams?

Enrollment exams are basic skills or subject tests implemented to determine a student’s incoming knowledge in each content area. For example, at Queensborough Community College (QCC), located in Bayside, New York, all students must be completely proficient in specific areas of reading, writing, and math. To guide students, QCC has a specialized campus Testing Services Center. Here, the administrators of QCC allow students to partake in three different types of tests: placement exams for new freshmen, exit exams for students completing remediation programs, and proficiency exams that are required for graduation.

According to QCC, these exams help determine if students need remediation before entering college courses. If a student is found to be struggling, as revealed by his or her exam results, QCC provides students with an array of support

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Avoid the 3 Major Pitfalls of the First Year of Community College

Avoid the 3 Major Pitfalls of the First Year of Community College
Learn about how you can avoid the commonly experienced pitfalls students encounter in the first few weeks of community college, and ensure that you do not slip through the cracks.

According to a recent USA Today’s report, “Students Less Engaged at Community College,” many community college students begin to slip through the cracks of student involvement and academia in just the first few weeks of a new semester!

In your first year of community college, make sure you avoid the three major pitfalls that could impact your academic and professional career.

Pitfall #1: Not Meeting with Advisors

Experts assert that students need to be engaged from the beginning of their academic career. Too many students forgo meetings with advisors, who are an excellent resource for planning both your academic and professional career. Take advantage of advisors from your first quarter in community college, and you will find your academic career will be much easier to manage.

Some community colleges have started mandating that all students engage in advising sessions, which ensure that students are being personally informed of the various opportunities on campus.

This video explains why you should meet with your advisor.

Pitfall #2: Not Interacting with Instructors

In specifically examining the potential positive outcomes of increased faculty and student interaction, USA Today argues that although faculty involvement is imperative for enhanced student success, only 15 percent of students reportedly discuss grades, issues, questions, or assignments with teachers outside of class. In fact, only a little over half of all community college students surveyed have ever met with

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Why Student Enrollment Rises as the Economy Falls

Why Student Enrollment Rises as the Economy Falls
Learn about the trend to attend community college when the economy may face weakness in growth.

While a struggling economy certainly forces extra pressures on young students seeking funds for loans and tuition costs, the enrollment rates for colleges continue to soar. In fact, according to data from the Department of Education, community college enrolment increased by ten percent in the course of just six years, from 2000 to 2006.

Some experts theorize that a dwindling economy actually helps to stimulate student enrollment. As Inside Higher Education explores, “Whether it’s the economy, new academic programs or better recruiting, community colleges are seeing an enrollment boom. While enrollment has been growing steadily at many two-year institutions, this fall appears likely to set records for many of these colleges.”

To help gauge prospective student interests while providing all current students with diverse support, community colleges are investigating the motivations and factors that are encouraging this new surge in enrollment.

This video reports on how a slow economy boosts community college attendance.

Examining the Rising Enrollment

As Statista reports, in 2020 there were 4.8 million students attending 942 community colleges. This growth is not limited to one particular realm of the United States: “The recent community college growth spurt is not restricted to the developing and rural areas. Some of the county’s largest two-year institutions are also enrolling more students than ever.”

Enrollment and the Economy

As community colleges try to ascertain the various factors that may be influencing their enrollment rates, Palm

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