Middlesex Community College

591 Springs Rd
Bedford, MA 01730
Top Ranked (2024-25): View Rankings
  • Middlesex Community College is a progressive and dynamic learning community, committed to providing educational programs andservices that support personal growth and economic opportunity for its diverse student population. Dedicated to student success, the College provides excellence in teaching, personal attention, and extensive opportunities for exploration and growth. Closely linked to the fabric of the community, Middlesex’s partnerships with school, business and service organizations provide leadership in economic and community development and foster a culture of civic engagement and responsive workforce development. The College’s state-of-the-art programs in the liberal arts, basic skills, and more thanfifty career and technical fields respond to student and community needs, providing a strong foundation for college transfer, employment, professional development and lifelong learning.

School Highlights

Middlesex Community College serves 11,111 students (16% of students are full-time).
The college's student:teacher ratio of 19:1 is higher than the state community college average of 12:1.
Minority enrollment is 50% of the student body (majority Hispanic and Asian), which is less than the state average of 57%.

Quick Stats (2024-25)

  • Enrollment: 11,111 students
  • In-state tuition: $4,394
  • Out-state tuition: $9,338
  • Student:teacher ratio: 19:1
  • Minority enrollment: 50%
  • Source: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

Top Rankings

Middlesex Community College ranks among the top 20% of public schools in Massachusetts for:

Community Size

School Overview

The teacher population of 577 teachers has stayed relatively flat over five years.
Middlesex Community College
(MA) Community College Avg.
Carnegie Classification
Associate's Colleges: High Transfer-Mixed Traditional/Nontraditional
Associate's Colleges: Mixed Transfer/Career & Technical-Mixed Traditional/Nontraditional
Institution Level
At least 2 but less than 4 years
At least 2 but less than 4 years
Institution Control
Total Faculty
577 staff
290 staff
This chart displays total faculty of Middlesex Community College and community college average number of faculty in Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.

Student Body

The student population of Middlesex Community College has grown by 46% over five years.
The student:teacher ratio of 19:1 has increased from 13:1 over five years.
The Middlesex Community College diversity score of 0.69 is less than the state average of 0.74. The school's diversity has grown by 9% over five years.
Total Enrollment
11,111 students
2,106 students
This chart displays the total enrollment of Middlesex Community College and community college average number of enrollment of Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
Student : Teacher Ratio
This chart displays the student staff ratio of Middlesex Community College and community college average student staff ratio of Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
# Full-Time Students
1,827 students
1,039 students
This chart displays the total number of Full-time students enrollment of Middlesex Community College and average number of community college Full-time students enrollment of Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
# Part-Time Students
9,284 students
1,619 students
This chart displays the total number of Part-time students enrollment of Middlesex Community College and average number of community college Part-time students enrollment of Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
This chart displays the Full-time students and Part-time students enrollment breakdown of Middlesex Community College.
This chart displays community college average Full-Time students and Part-Time students enrollment breakdown of Massachusetts.
# Enrollment Undergraduate
111 students
278 students
# Full-Time Undergraduate Students
1,827 students
839 students
This chart displays the total number of Full-time undergraduate students enrollment of Middlesex Community College and average number of community college Full-time undergraduate  students enrollment of Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
# Full-Time Graduate Students
99 students
# Part-Time Undergraduate Students
9,284 students
1,619 students
# Part-Time Graduate Students
83 students
Total Dormitory Capacity
443 students
% American Indian/Alaskan
This chart displays the percentage of American Indian/Alaskan students in Middlesex Community College and the percentage of American Indian/Alaskan community college students in Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
% Asian
This chart displays the percentage of Asian students in Middlesex Community College and the percentage of Asian community college students in Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
% Hispanic
This chart displays the percentage of Hispanic students in Middlesex Community College and the percentage of Hispanic community college students in Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2021-22 school year data.
% Black
This chart displays the percentage of Black students in Middlesex Community College and the percentage of Black community college students in Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
% White
This chart displays the percentage of White students in Middlesex Community College and the percentage of White community college students in Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
% Hawaiian
This chart displays the percentage of Hawaiian students in Middlesex Community College and the percentage of Hawaiian community college students in Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
% Two or more races
This chart displays the percentage of Two or more races students in Middlesex Community College and the percentage of Two or more races community college students in Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
% Non Resident races
This chart displays the percentage of Non Resident students in Middlesex Community College and the percentage of Non Resident community college students in Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2020-21 school year data.
% Unknown races
This chart displays the percentage breakdown of students of all ethnic groups in Middlesex Community College.
This chart displays the percentage breakdown of students of all ethnic groups in Massachusetts.
Diversity Score
This chart displays the diversity score of Middlesex Community College and the community college average diversity score of Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in less than 4 years)
This chart displays completion rates for First-Time of Full-time students of Middlesex Community College and community college average completion rates for First-Time of Full-time students of Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in 4 years or more than 4 years)
Average Graduate Earnings (10 Years)
This chart displays average graduate earnings (10 Years) of Middlesex Community College and community college average graduate earnings (10 Years) of Massachusetts by year, disaggregated by student subgroups with the latest 2012-13 school year data.

Tuition and Acceptance Rate

The public in-state tuition of $4,394 is less than the state average of $4,424. The in-state tuition has declined by 27% over four years.
The public out-state tuition of $9,338 is less than the state average of $9,401. The out-state tuition has declined by 22% over four years.
In-State Tuition Fees
This chart displays tuition fees for an in-state student of Middlesex Community College and the public community college average tuition fees for an in-state student of Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
Out-State Tuition Fees
This chart displays tuition fees for an out-of-state student of Middlesex Community College and the public community college average tuition fees for an out-of-state student of Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2023-24 school year data.
% Students Receiving Some Financial Aid
This chart displays the percent of students who is receiving some financial aid in Middlesex Community College and the percent of community college students who is receiving some financial aid in Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
Median Debt for Graduates
This chart displays median debt for students who have completed a certificate or degree in Middlesex Community College and average median debt for community college students who have completed a certificate or degree in Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
Median Debt for Dropouts
This chart displays median debt for students who have not completed a certificate or degree in Middlesex Community College and average median debt for community college students who have not completed a certificate or degree in Massachusetts by year, with the latest 2022-23 school year data.
Acceptance Rate
SAT Reading
SAT Math
SAT Writing
ACT Composite
Source: 2024 (or latest year available) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

School Notes

  • As the largest community college in the commonwealth, our students can choose from more than 79 degree and certificate programs, as well as hundreds of community education and career training courses offered during the day, evening, weekend and online. Many of our programs also have internships and Service-Learning components, which give our students important experiential learning opportunities many employers appreciate. Graduates of Middlesex Community College degree programs receive an Associate in Arts (A.A.) or an Associate in Science (A.S.). The A.A. programs are generally appropriate for students intending to transfer. A.S. programs usually have a career-entry emphasis.Associate degree programs require completion of specific course work in the area of concentration, plus a core curriculum of general education courses in liberal arts and sciences. Many serve as preparation for transfer to bachelor's degree programs in a related major. To receive the associate degree, students must complete at least 20 courses and earn a minimum of 60 credits. The number of credits varies, however, with totals from 60 to 73, according to the requirements of individual programs. The Bedford campus is situated on 200 acres located off Springs Road, close to Route 3. Set on handsomely landscaped grounds that border the town of Billerica, the campus incorporates 11 buildings that house classrooms, laboratories, offices, a library, the Medical Education Imaging Center and the MCC Concert Hall. A bookstore, cafeteria, student lounge and Fitness Center are located in the Bedford Campus Center. Teaching is student-centered, emphasizing interactive learning strategies, state-of-the-art technology, workplace and community service, and the incorporation of a forward-thinking core curriculum. Online classes, tutoring and library resources give students added flexibility for learning. Vibrant co-curricular opportunities reflect a broad array of interests and encourage a strong voice in student governance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Middlesex Community College cost?
Middlesex Community College's tuition is approximately $4,394 for In-State students and $9,338 for Out-State students.
What is Middlesex Community College's ranking?
Middlesex Community College ranks among the top 20% of community college in Massachusetts for: Largest student body and Least debt for graduating students.

School Calendar

View the Middlesex Community College yearly calendar below. Note key dates such as:

♦Spring 2025-Wintersession Last Day to W
January 13, 2025 (Monday)
♦Fall 2024- Last Day to Withdraw for NUE Classes
March 12, 2025 (Wednesday)
Spring Break
March 17, 2025 (Monday)
Spring Break- March 17-22 - No Classes Meet
March 17, 2025 (Monday)
♦Spring 2025-Last day to Withdraw-Full term Deadline
April 22, 2025 (Tuesday)

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Quick Stats (2024-25)

  • Enrollment: 11,111 students
  • In-state tuition: $4,394
  • Out-state tuition: $9,338
  • Student:teacher ratio: 19:1
  • Minority enrollment: 50%
  • Source: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

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