College Funding

Community colleges are coping with major budget deficits, and this section covers how students are being impacted. From local fundraising efforts to federal grants, we’ll explore how community colleges are staying afloat despite funding cuts and cost increases.

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Are California Community Colleges at Risk of Serious Budget Cuts?

Are California Community Colleges at Risk of Serious Budget Cuts?
Learn about how California's budget woes may impact the future of the Cal Grant and the state's community colleges.

In this weak economy, California's community colleges face deja vu fears that surfaced nearly a decade ago in the state. After a proposed budget cut of $215 million dollars for nearly 108 California community colleges in 2001, critics of former Governor Gray Davis argued that his proposed funding cuts would negatively impact thousands of college students. Sadly, although Davis has been replaced by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, it seems as though California community college students and leaders are facing an all too familiar fear.

California has made national headlines with its many economic struggles and set-backs, and now the state faces grave concerns expressed by community college students. According to recent reports from the California Legislative Committee, new budget cuts proposed by Arnold Schwarzenegger could prevent thousands of potential students from affording community college for the upcoming fall semester. As Schwarzenegger has planned to gradually phase out the Cal Grant aid, which provides support for lower-income college students, some experts fear that nearly 200,000 students' collegiate plans may be deterred. According to the Los Angeles Times, Cal Grant support is the state's main financial aid offered for college students; with this decrease in aid, community college students are worried about their uncertain academic futures.

This video from 2021 looks at potential budget cuts at California community colleges.

California and the Importance of the Cal Grant Support

Created in 2000, the Cal

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How Community Colleges Fundraise to Improve Campuses

How Community Colleges Fundraise to Improve Campuses
Learn about how fund raising efforts are boosting community college campus environments.

Community colleges receive a majority of their funding from tuition costs and student payments. Despite this income, however, community colleges across the country still strongly depend on effective fundraising venues and actions to boost the campus environment, programs, and academic offerings. As Council for Advancement and Support of Education asserts, “With economic stagnation and diminished tax revenues depleting the coffers of state and local governments nationwide, America’s community colleges must look beyond the public sector to fund their educational missions.”

According to expert advisors and academic leaders, successful community college fundraising actions can help boost a school’s appealing qualities, student opportunities, and overall institutional successes.

This video offers some ideas for community college fundraising.

The Current State of Fundraising Affairs

According to Community College Times, many community colleges could improve their overall successes by implementing more effective fundraising strategies and actions. As Donald Summers, an expert fundraising consultant with experience with working in community college development offices asserts: “‘To my mind, nothing would be better for American democracy and education than for community colleges to rake in the billions they deserve.’” Community colleges often primarily strive to provide current and potential students with accessible and affordable courses and programs, but many community colleges struggle to bring in enough money to create sustainable and competitive programs.

As Summers further argues, local governors need to become more attentive to the fundraising abilities of appointed board

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