Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton (Closed 2020)

616 67th Street Circle East
Bradenton, FL 34208
  • Florida College Of Natural Health is a member of Steiner Education Group Schools.

School Highlights

Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton served 143 students (100% of students were full-time).
The college's student:teacher ratio of 36:1 was higher than the state community college average of 20:1.
Minority enrollment was 47% of the student body (majority Black), which was less than the state average of 67%.

School Overview

Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton
(FL) Community College Avg.
Carnegie Classification
Associates Colleges
Not applicable, not in Carnegie universe (not accredited or nondegree-granting)
Institution Level
Less than 2 yrs
At least 2 but less than 4 years
Institution Control
Private, for profit
Private not-for-profit
Total Faculty
4 staff
139 staff
This chart displays total faculty of Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and community college average number of faculty in Florida by year, with the latest 2019-20 school year data.
Number of Programs Offered

Student Body

Total Enrollment
143 students
646 students
This chart displays the total enrollment of Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and community college average number of enrollment of Florida by year, with the latest 2019-20 school year data.
Student : Teacher Ratio
This chart displays the student staff ratio of Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and community college average student staff ratio of Florida by year, with the latest 2019-20 school year data.
# Full-Time Students
143 students
587 students
This chart displays the total number of Full-time students enrollment of Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and average number of community college Full-time students enrollment of Florida by year, with the latest 2019-20 school year data.
# Part-Time Students
557 students
This chart displays the Full-time students and Part-time students enrollment breakdown of Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton.
This chart displays community college average Full-Time students and Part-Time students enrollment breakdown of Florida.
# Enrollment Undergraduate
206 students
261 students
# Full-Time Undergraduate Students
143 students
574 students
This chart displays the total number of Full-time undergraduate students enrollment of Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and average number of community college Full-time undergraduate  students enrollment of Florida by year, with the latest 2019-20 school year data.
# Full-Time Graduate Students
85 students
# Part-Time Undergraduate Students
648 students
# Part-Time Graduate Students
36 students
Total Dormitory Capacity
174 students
% Asian
This chart displays the percentage of Asian students in Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and the percentage of Asian community college students in Florida by year, with the latest 2019-20 school year data.
% Hispanic
This chart displays the percentage of Hispanic students in Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and the percentage of Hispanic community college students in Florida by year, with the latest 2019-20 school year data.
% Black
This chart displays the percentage of Black students in Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and the percentage of Black community college students in Florida by year, with the latest 2019-20 school year data.
% White
This chart displays the percentage of White students in Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and the percentage of White community college students in Florida by year, with the latest 2019-20 school year data.
% Hawaiian
% Two or more races
This chart displays the percentage of Two or more races students in Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and the percentage of Two or more races community college students in Florida by year, with the latest 2019-20 school year data.
% Non Resident races
% Unknown races
This chart displays the percentage breakdown of students of all ethnic groups in Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton.
This chart displays the percentage breakdown of students of all ethnic groups in Florida.
Diversity Score
This chart displays the diversity score of Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and the community college average diversity score of Florida by year, with the latest 2019-20 school year data.
College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in less than 4 years)
This chart displays completion rates for First-Time of Full-time students of Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and community college average completion rates for First-Time of Full-time students of Florida by year, with the latest 2014-15 school year data.
College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in 4 years or more than 4 years)
Average Graduate Earnings (10 Years)
This chart displays average graduate earnings (10 Years) of Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and community college average graduate earnings (10 Years) of Florida by year, disaggregated by student subgroups with the latest 2012-13 school year data.

Tuition and Acceptance Rate

% Students Receiving Some Financial Aid
This chart displays the percent of students who is receiving some financial aid in Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and the percent of community college students who is receiving some financial aid in Florida by year, with the latest 2019-20 school year data.
Median Debt for Graduates
This chart displays median debt for students who have completed a certificate or degree in Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and average median debt for community college students who have completed a certificate or degree in Florida by year, with the latest 2014-15 school year data.
Median Debt for Dropouts
This chart displays median debt for students who have not completed a certificate or degree in Florida College of Natural Health-Bradenton and average median debt for community college students who have not completed a certificate or degree in Florida by year, with the latest 2014-15 school year data.
Acceptance Rate
SAT Reading
SAT Math
ACT Composite
ACT English
ACT Math
Source: 2020 (or latest year available) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

School Notes

  • Florida College of Natural Health is offers five Associate of Science Degree Programs in Natural Health and three Diploma Programs. Associate of Science Degree Programs are offered in Massage and Physical Fitness, Massage & Spa Training, Advanced Massage, Paramedical Skin Care and Massage & Skin Care. Diploma Programs includes Medical Massage Program, Therapeutic Massage Training Program (Florida) and Skin Care Training. The Sarasota Campus is located on the West Coast of Florida near the Tampa Bay area. This very quaint and charming city has an air of sophisticated culture. Whether you feel like walking on white-sand beaches, watching sponge fisherman or wandering through upscale shopping districts, you'll find something to your liking in this remarkably diverse area. Places of interest include; The Ringling Museum, Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, Sarasota Jungle Gardens, Mote Marine Aquarium and Myakka River State Park. The college is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges of Technology (ACCSCT).

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Did You Know?

For Florida public community colleges, the average tuition is approximately $3,280 per year for in-state students and $10,578 for out-of-state students. For private community colleges, the average yearly tuition is approximately $16,355 per year. Read more about average community college tuition costs across the country.

The average community college acceptance rate in Florida is 91%. Read more about national community college acceptance rates.

Florida community colleges have a diversity score of 0.76, which is higher than the national average of 0.00. The most diverse community college in Florida is Aviator College of Aeronautical Science and Technology. Read more about community college diversity statistics in the USA.

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