- SUNY Orange, with campuses in Middletown and Newburgh, offers programs of study leading to several transfer and career degrees. The College is a memberof the Hudson Valley Educational Cosortium, which provides studens with additional degree program sin the areas of innovative technology.
School Highlights
Orange County Community College serves 6,205 students (37% of students are full-time).
The college's student:teacher ratio of 25:1 is higher than the state community college average of 13:1.
Minority enrollment is 58% of the student body (majority Hispanic), which is less than the state average of 62%.
Quick Stats (2025)
- Enrollment: 6,205 students
- In-state tuition: $5,376
- Out-state tuition: $10,752
- Acceptance Rate: 90%
- Student:teacher ratio: 25:1
- Minority enrollment: 58%
- Source: Verified school update
Top Rankings
Orange County Community College ranks among the top 20% of public schools in New York for:
Community Size
School Overview
The teacher population of 251 teachers has stayed relatively flat over five years.
Orange County Community College
(NY) Community College Avg.
Carnegie Classification
Associate's Colleges: High Transfer-High Traditional
Baccalaureate/Associate's Colleges: Mixed Baccalaureate/Associate's
Institution Level
At least 2 but less than 4 years
At least 2 but less than 4 years
Institution Control
Private not-for-profit
Total Faculty
251 staff
158 staff
School Calendar
Student Body
The student population of Orange County Community College has grown by 6% over five years.
The student:teacher ratio of 25:1 has increased from 23:1 over five years.
The Orange County Community College diversity score of 0.75 is less than the state average of 0.76. The school's diversity has stayed relatively flat over five years.
Total Enrollment
6,205 students
746 students
Student : Teacher Ratio
# Full-Time Students
2,292 students
519 students
# Part-Time Students
3,913 students
514 students
# Enrollment Undergraduate
620 students
357 students
# Full-Time Undergraduate Students
2,292 students
502 students
# Full-Time Graduate Students
44 students
# Part-Time Undergraduate Students
3,913 students
528 students
# Part-Time Graduate Students
41 students
Total Dormitory Capacity
382 students
% American Indian/Alaskan
% Asian
% Hispanic
% Black
% White
% Hawaiian
% Two or more races
% Non Resident races
% Unknown races
Diversity Score
College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in less than 4 years)
College Completion Rate (Students who graduate in 4 years or more than 4 years)
Average Graduate Earnings (10 Years)
Tuition and Acceptance Rate
The public in-state tuition of $5,376 is less than the state average of $5,720. The in-state tuition has declined by 11% over four years.
The public out-state tuition of $10,752 is more than the state average of $10,320. The out-state tuition has declined by 6% over four years.
In-State Tuition Fees
Out-State Tuition Fees
Tuition Notes
To qualify for in-state tuition rates, students need to submit a certificate of residency, verifying that they are a New York State Resident.
% Students Receiving Some Financial Aid
Median Debt for Graduates
Median Debt for Dropouts
Acceptance Rate
SAT Reading
SAT Math
SAT Writing
ACT Composite
ACT English
ACT Math
Total Sports Offered
7 sports
Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball
Total ExtracurricularsTotal Extra-curric.
22 extracurriculars
Club or Organization:
All 4 Jesus Campus Fellowship, Apprentice Players, Architectural Club, Biology Club, BOA (Board of Activities), Bridges Club, Business Club, C.O.T.A, Chemistry Club, Criminal Justice Club, Future Teachers of America, Magic the Gathering Club, Med Lab Tech Society, Nursing Club, Outdoors Club, Parent's Club, PTA Club, Rad Tech Club, SADHA, SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Alliance), Student Senate, Student Veterans of America
All 4 Jesus Campus Fellowship, Apprentice Players, Architectural Club, Biology Club, BOA (Board of Activities), Bridges Club, Business Club, C.O.T.A, Chemistry Club, Criminal Justice Club, Future Teachers of America, Magic the Gathering Club, Med Lab Tech Society, Nursing Club, Outdoors Club, Parent's Club, PTA Club, Rad Tech Club, SADHA, SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Alliance), Student Senate, Student Veterans of America
Source: 2024 (or latest year available) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) , School Administrators
School Notes
- Founded 1950, Orange County Community College is a two-year institution of higher education established by the authority of the State of New York and sponsored by the County of Orange. At SUNY Orange, you'll find an academic environment ideally suited for your personal and professional goals. SUNY Orange offers 44 academic programs in areas such as Business, The Health Professions, Liberal Arts, and Technology. Whether you are looking to develop your career skills or transfer to a four-year institution, we are confident that a SUNY Orange education can start you on the road to success. The Middletown campus is located in Middletown, midway between the Hudson and Delaware Rivers at the foot of the Catskill Mountains. The 37-acre former estate features 40,000 square feet of classrooms, laboratories, lecture halls, offices, a swimming pool, gymnasium, library and learning resource center. SUNY Orange offers three two-year associate degree programs. The AA and AS degree are for students interested in transferring to four-year institutions. The AAS degree is designed to prepare students for work in a number of career fields. One-year certificates are also available. The college is accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does Orange County Community College cost?
Orange County Community College's tuition is approximately $5,376 for In-State students and $10,752 for Out-State students.
What is the acceptance rate of Orange County Community College?
The acceptance rate of Orange County Community College is 90%, which is higher than the state average of 74%.
What sports does Orange County Community College offer?
Orange County Community College offers 7 interscholastic sports: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Soccer, Softball and Volleyball.
What is Orange County Community College's ranking?
Orange County Community College ranks among the top 20% of community college in New York for: Largest student body.
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